Weapon Class

The models folder had couple of weapons as I had to select 2 of them. There is a weapons game object as a child of the player that will the weapons. First weapon selected was the revolver because all survival shooter games start with a pistol before getting a stronger one. I expected much weaker pistols but was happy with the revolver, I set up the revolver on an appropriate position and made sure it was aiming correctly.

Second weapon is the assault rifle, this will be a stronger gun where it will fire rapidly. There were other weapons such as shotgun and arrow but assault rifle seems better due to higher range and fire rate. 

Weapon manager script is implemented for both weapons, I did this so that I can switch weapons during the gameplay. This is a partial screenshot of the script but is more important, when the 1 is pressed the revolver will be used whereas pressing the 2 key will change to the assault rifle. There will be more scripts associated with the guns such as weapons script for shooting animations and shooting script for attacking enemies. 

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