
From the sound folder I chose some appropriate audio and implemented audio source code in many scripts. Following audios are: 

  • Player walk 
  • Shooting 
  • Zombie audio (scream, attack & death) 
  • Zombie injured 
  • Night ambience in the background 
  • Horror music in the main menu 

I made individual audio scripts for player walk and zombies to store the audios then calling them onto other scripts. Before I did not do the scripts instead I dragged and dropped the audio onto other scripts. When the were zombies were turned into prefabs for spawning I could not here any sound from them. I checked the prefabs as the audio sources were gone so that is why I created separate script. 

Zombie horror music was imported from the Unity play store for the main menu scene. There were only 2 files as I chose 1 and it is played on awake. 

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